Saturday, October 19, 2013

Reading Update!

     HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Its not really Halloween but I wanted to start off this post like that. I just wanted to share with you the books I am currently reading and hope to finish this month. Homework has lightened up (a little) and I have had some time to read lately. My progress:

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: 48 out of 536 pages

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: 18 out of 290 pages

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (Reading with my friend katie. We are reading 5 chapters every week.): 22 out of 485 (22 out of the 82 Im supposed to read this week...)

What have you been reading this month? Anything creepy for Halloween?! I hope so! :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Top Ten (Books I Was Forced To Read) Tuesday

     So Ive decided to start doing Top Ten Tuesday and Wishlist Wednesday. All the other days don't really interest me but these two days do. This is my first one and I'm so excited! Its not that exciting but being that its my first one, it kind of is! This Tuesday is the top ten books you were forced to read. I'm going to assume its books read in school, because outside of school, no one forces me to read anything! These are in order. I can only remember these ones, so bear with me. 

1. The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen: I had to read this in 6th grade (which was sometime ago.) I wasn't an avid reader then and hated this book. I will hopefully reread it again in the far future.

2.  Where The Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls: I also read this in the 6th grade and actually enjoyed this one. Even though I didn't like reading back then, I liked this one! I hope to reread this one as well.

3. The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen: Moving onto to 7th grade! I remember reading this for my geography class. What that has to do with Geography, I don't know, but I don't remember any of it. I remember watching the movie, but I don't even remember reading ANY chapters. I was most likely skimming the pages the whole time.

4. Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer: For my English class, I ended up reading this. I LOVED THIS BOOK. A lot of people that read this book said they didn't like and I was like "WHAT?" I think the plot was magnificent and loved the idea of the book. There were a couple boring parts, but overall I enjoyed the book.

5. Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck: Ninth grade it is. I read this for my Literature class and was probably one person out of the couple people that actually read this book. My class was terrible and did nothing the teacher said, so I had nothing better to do than actually read it. It was good. I liked the book but liked the movie more.

6. The Crucible by Arthur Miller: An enjoyable book if I do say so myself. I read this in 10th grade and loved it. I remember reading this then watching the movie. Loved both the same. I really want to own this book in the future and reread it.

7. Beowulf by Unknown: HATE, DOUBLE HATE, LOATHE ENTIRELY. This was extremely hard to read for my Honors English class. It was the poem version that we read and I ended up failing every test and almost failed the whole class. Worst class ever.

8. A Separate Peace by John Knowles: I recently read this book for my AP English class. It is up on this page if you haven't read it already. This book was really good. I don't think I will be reading this again in the future. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

9. A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen: I am currently reading this book and The Red Badge of Courage for my senior classes. We aren't really reading the book, we are groups reading the play, but its the same thing. It is good so far. Sorry I cant say a lot about this one, we just got done with Act 1 so we are working our way through it!

10. The Red Badge Of Courage by Stephen Crane: I am also currently reading this. It is based on the Civil War and is college level reading. It takes me forever to read these chapters. I will be glad to be done with this book.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Reading Update!

Hey guys! It's most likely been over a week since I last wrote something on here so I figured I'd update you. Last weekend I actually got into a book! After over a month of not reading, I finally read! It was amazing. :) I started reading The Time Traveler's Wife and got about 30 pages in. Over the past week I have only made it to page 40 but I'm managing to get through it! I am also STILL reading Red Badge of Courage for my Civil War class so I really hope we are finishing it this month. I ALSO really want to start on The Bell Jar and City of Bones for my scary reads of the month. It is currently Saturday night and I finished all my homework yesterday so I hope to spend my Sunday reading all day! I will hopefully have a book review up soon or at least one this month! That's my rumblings for this post, have a wonderful night!