So, this month wasn't the best reading month. I read a total of 4 books. DEAR GOD. I haven't read that little amount of books in a few months now. It is kind of heart breaking... But I am also in a reading slump because of school starting back up so Ive been slacking on my TBR. These are the only books I read this month:
Jerk, California by Jonathan Friensen--> 2/5 stars
(Re-Read) The Fault In Our Stars by John Green--> 5/5
A Separate Peace by John Knowles--> 3/5 stars
The Headless Horseman Rides Tonight by Jack Prelutsky--> 5/5
I am still currently reading The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane for my American Civil War class so I will hopefully be finishing that in October.
My October TBR (hopefully):
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
I will most likely be keeping you guys updated just to see how I'm doing throughout the month. Every weekend is packed for October so we will see how much reading I actually get done. Don't count on a lot reviews. DON'T HAVE HIGH EXPECTATIONS FOR ME.
Have a good night!
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” ― C.S. Lewis
Monday, September 30, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
My Little Piece of Heaven!
So, if you know anything about me, you should know that I love doing two things in life: reading and cooking. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I also love the movie Julie and Julia which is also a book on plan on reading very soon. (If you don't know what Julie and Julia is, I will link things related to the movie on the bottom of this post.) I will be (hopefully) attending culinary school next year and fell in love with Julia Child. I wanted my own copy of her book that was featured in the movie so I just wrote a general post about it on my Facebook. I get home yesterday from and theres a package for me. I was like "ooooohh! Maybe I won a book from a giveaway I entered!" But it was bigger than a normal size book so I thought I might have won a kindle or electronic reader device. I open the package and slide out this enormous book and its like freaking Christmas morning! I got the book pictured in this post. The one and only Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" with Louisette Bertholle and Simone Beck! My aunt and uncle ordered it online and had it sent to my house! I have already tabbed a couple recipes I wan to try but that's all I've really had time for. But I hope to cook all the soup recipes considering my family has a "Soup Sunday" every week during the fall and winter. I'm just so happy to have this book. I will definitely be posting posts of the recipes I make and possibly a picture or two. Okay, well, that's all my ramble for the day. I just figured it was book related so I wanted to share! Have a nice night!
Book description:
Movie description:
Movie trailer:
Book description:
Movie description:
Movie trailer:
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Book Haul #4: Used Books Are The Best Books!
Hi, my name is Lauren and I am addicted to buying books. So, my aunt called me and told me there was a sale going on at her local ice rink. How could I resist. I went into the sale expecting there to be crap books. NO. I got 19 books for 8 bucks. HOLY SHIT! I got all the books I am desperate to read and only paid 4 bucks per bag. By the way, I freaking filled those bags. 19 books. 8 dollars. You cant even complain. I wont be putting each link on here because its just too much, but I will put the Goodreads link if you want to look at any of the ones you are interested in! Enjoy your weekend!
P.S.-- I am definitely on a book buying ban as of today. NO MORE BOOKS. At least until I get a job... :)
P.S.-- I am definitely on a book buying ban as of today. NO MORE BOOKS. At least until I get a job... :)
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Reading Update, Life Update - All the Same Thing...
So, my life has been pretty hectic lately. Sorry viewers who actually read my posts. I haven't been doing so hot. School started back up about 3 weeks ago and I haven't been able to read anything! I have not so hard classes, but I'm in homework up to my ears! I have been reading The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane for my American Civil War class and its super hard to get through. Its college level. Gawd, killing myself. I am also going to start another book for extra credit for my AP English class this weekend. Out of all the choices I have and all the books I have that are on the list, I have chosen The Curious Incident of The Dog In the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. I have a week and a half to read it and fill out the papers for it.
I have also been thinking I should do a couple movie reviews of the books I have read. Or the movies I have watched and want to read the books for. If anyone is reading this, tell me if that's a good idea. I will probably do it anyway considering no one reads my blog. LOL.
In conclusion, I will be reading more once I've got school under control and will be doing updates and reviews! I'M GOING TO TRY!
Have a wonderful night! -Lauren
I have also been thinking I should do a couple movie reviews of the books I have read. Or the movies I have watched and want to read the books for. If anyone is reading this, tell me if that's a good idea. I will probably do it anyway considering no one reads my blog. LOL.
In conclusion, I will be reading more once I've got school under control and will be doing updates and reviews! I'M GOING TO TRY!
Have a wonderful night! -Lauren
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Book Review: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.
I have never read a book I liked so much until this one. I first read it a little over a year ago and couldn't put it down. So, a couple of weeks ago before school started back up this year, I picked it up and read it again. I love re-reading books because I get to go through the whole story again and feel what the characters feel and that makes me happy. I just love Hazel's attitude toward her diagnosis. She doesn't want people to pity her or give her special treatments because she knows shes going to die. Its sad, but its true. Then she meets Augustus Waters. She gets to know him and really starts to like him. They spend a lot of time together. Re-reading this, I actually understood some of the things I didn't understand the first time I read this. It was a huge relief! I like how their relationship develops and love everything they go through together. Their conversations just made me laugh and cry all at the same time. Yes, I did cry in this book. A lot. Like the last 60 pages.... But I'm pretty sure everyone else who read this did too! I just love love love this book all together and will probably end up reading it again and again in the future. Definitely rated this a 10/5 stars!
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.
I have never read a book I liked so much until this one. I first read it a little over a year ago and couldn't put it down. So, a couple of weeks ago before school started back up this year, I picked it up and read it again. I love re-reading books because I get to go through the whole story again and feel what the characters feel and that makes me happy. I just love Hazel's attitude toward her diagnosis. She doesn't want people to pity her or give her special treatments because she knows shes going to die. Its sad, but its true. Then she meets Augustus Waters. She gets to know him and really starts to like him. They spend a lot of time together. Re-reading this, I actually understood some of the things I didn't understand the first time I read this. It was a huge relief! I like how their relationship develops and love everything they go through together. Their conversations just made me laugh and cry all at the same time. Yes, I did cry in this book. A lot. Like the last 60 pages.... But I'm pretty sure everyone else who read this did too! I just love love love this book all together and will probably end up reading it again and again in the future. Definitely rated this a 10/5 stars!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Rants and Books.
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
I Am Number Four by Pitticus Lore
The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
Scat by Carl Hiaasen
So I know I haven't blogged in a a couple weeks and that's because of school. I have only been in school for two weeks now and I am up to my ears in homework. I haven't had time to read let alone update my blog. So, I am going to try to calm things down and get back to reading a lot in the last two weeks of this month! I am also in the process of getting a job. (A real job, not babysitting every now and then!) I am filling out applications and trying to get hired somewhere. So, if I get a job, I will have to still do all my homework which means not a lot for reading for me, but hey, I think I need a job over needing to read for 24 hours a day! Anyway, so I will try to keep my blog updated and all that jazz, but for today I have a book haul! I got five of them from Goodwill today and one from B& (Red Badge of Courage).
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Book Review: Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen
This Schneider Family Book Award winner changed the face of Tourette's Syndrome for modern teens. Wrought with tension, romance, and hope, Jerk, California tells the story of Sam, who sets out on a cross-country quest to learn the truth about his family and his inherited Tourette's Syndrome, along the way finding both love and acceptance.
Well, this book was not at all what I expected it to be. I liked it at first, but then at moments, I was just sitting there like, "What? What just happened?" I was frequently having to look back at previous pages to see what was going on. In the beginning, he would skip months and seasons and you were just like "What the hell just happened? What season are we in?" I like Jack more during the second part of the book titled "Jack." Naomi was all over the place for me. She was either a bitch or the sweetest person. Also for her, I liked her better in the second part of the book. I liked the idea of their road trip together and I finally thought they were going to get together, but every time they were at a new place things just went downhill! It was really frustrating how she was a snob and Jack still wanted to be with her. It was also really weird how he always talked to himself and how he was thinking he saw his dad. I think people weren't detailed enough and that was a huge problem! Throughout reading this entire book, I still couldn't picture anyone. I couldn't picture what Jack looked like, Naomi, Jack's mom, anyone they met, and George. It was totally frustrating. A lot of the parts in this book dragged on and I was forcing myself to keep reading on just to get the book over with. Like I said, I liked it at parts, but I wouldn't recommend this book. Overall, I gave it a 2-2.5/5 stars. It was okay.
This Schneider Family Book Award winner changed the face of Tourette's Syndrome for modern teens. Wrought with tension, romance, and hope, Jerk, California tells the story of Sam, who sets out on a cross-country quest to learn the truth about his family and his inherited Tourette's Syndrome, along the way finding both love and acceptance.
Well, this book was not at all what I expected it to be. I liked it at first, but then at moments, I was just sitting there like, "What? What just happened?" I was frequently having to look back at previous pages to see what was going on. In the beginning, he would skip months and seasons and you were just like "What the hell just happened? What season are we in?" I like Jack more during the second part of the book titled "Jack." Naomi was all over the place for me. She was either a bitch or the sweetest person. Also for her, I liked her better in the second part of the book. I liked the idea of their road trip together and I finally thought they were going to get together, but every time they were at a new place things just went downhill! It was really frustrating how she was a snob and Jack still wanted to be with her. It was also really weird how he always talked to himself and how he was thinking he saw his dad. I think people weren't detailed enough and that was a huge problem! Throughout reading this entire book, I still couldn't picture anyone. I couldn't picture what Jack looked like, Naomi, Jack's mom, anyone they met, and George. It was totally frustrating. A lot of the parts in this book dragged on and I was forcing myself to keep reading on just to get the book over with. Like I said, I liked it at parts, but I wouldn't recommend this book. Overall, I gave it a 2-2.5/5 stars. It was okay.
Monday, September 2, 2013
August Warp Up and September To-Be Read!
The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski --> 5/5 stars!
The Name of The Star by Maureen Johnson --> 4/5 stars
Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout --> 5/5 stars!
Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout --> 5/5 stars!
Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout -->5/5 stars!
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead --> 2.5-3/5 stars
It was an overall okay month for me. I am in love with the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout now! I really want to buy the fourth one that just came out this month and continue on with this genius series!
For the books I will be listing in September, I will most likely not stick to it. School is starting back up for me on Thursday and I am taking an AP English class. This class is all year long and I will be reading a crap ton of books, so my TBRs will be different every month. So, in between school and homework, I am hoping to read at least a couple of these books:
CURRENTLY READING: Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
My Life In Black and White by Natasha Friend
Atonement by Ian McEwan
The Shack by WM. Paul Young
Tell me what you're reading this month!
The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski --> 5/5 stars!
The Name of The Star by Maureen Johnson --> 4/5 stars
Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout --> 5/5 stars!
Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout --> 5/5 stars!
Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout -->5/5 stars!
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead --> 2.5-3/5 stars
It was an overall okay month for me. I am in love with the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout now! I really want to buy the fourth one that just came out this month and continue on with this genius series!
For the books I will be listing in September, I will most likely not stick to it. School is starting back up for me on Thursday and I am taking an AP English class. This class is all year long and I will be reading a crap ton of books, so my TBRs will be different every month. So, in between school and homework, I am hoping to read at least a couple of these books:
CURRENTLY READING: Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
My Life In Black and White by Natasha Friend
Atonement by Ian McEwan
The Shack by WM. Paul Young
Tell me what you're reading this month!
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